Hiring Process
What to expect from trak.
How We Work With You
Our candidate process is designed to be thorough yet streamlined, so we can generate efficient and accurate results for you.
Even if you aren’t the perfect fit for a job we are filling today, your opportunity is out there. Partner with trak to find what you are looking for.
Search open jobs and apply online.
If you are a potential match for an opening, a trak recruiter will contact you to discuss your experience, needs, goals, and priorities and go over the job opportunity in detail.
If you have an interest in continuing with the process, we will present you to our client for consideration for the role.
We will conduct appropriate background checks as required.
You will interview with the client and then debrief with your trak recruiter to assess your continued interest in the role.
If you are offered the job, we will assist in any negotiations that may be required and will support you in your transition to your new opportunity.